Top five reasons why first aid training is so important | Tshireletso Multi-Skills & Training

Top five reasons why first aid training is so important


BY Njabulo Luthuli | 17 oct 2024

Imagine yourself faced with a terrifying situation in which a loved one is choking or has collapsed and is convulsing. Or imagine your loved one has been inured, would you know what to do in that instance? Or would you call the ambulance and wait for the help, all the while hoping that the ambulance arrives on time – in enough time to save your loved one’s life?

With, First Aid training you are armed with the knowledge needed to change the outcome of a situation that can happen in the blink of an eye. You could attempt to resuscitate the victim or tie a turner kit to prevent further blood loss. With these life-saving skills you can save a life, it only takes six minutes for a brain to expire due to lack of oxygen, being prepared can make all the difference.

Here are our top 5 reasons why First Aid training is vital:

It gives you confidence
Basic first aid training will give you the confidence to remain calm in a terrifying situation and help you to do what you need to do in order to ascertain the situation and act coolly under pressure, since you have the knowledge to do so until the medical services arrive.

It gives the patient comfort
Even in non-life-threatening situations, you will have the training to provide the comfort needed in situations such as if a child falls and cuts his or her knee or has a minor burn or sting. You will know how to apply an icepack or will know how to bandage the area.

It prevents incidents from worsening
Having first-aid training enables you to prevent a bad situation from becoming worse. If a patient is in serious trouble, you can provide life-giving support until the ambulance arrives. You can also provide the ambulance with the information they need in order to save time and save the patient’s life.

It changes your outlook on life
After completing a course in first-aid training, something in you will develop and alter your way of thinking. You will become naturally caring of others, being the first to assist in any incident, big or small. It will help you see things differently and give you a better aspect of life and the appreciation of life.

It empowers you to live safely
Knowing how quickly a bad situation can occur, you will be prepared not to indulge in activities that may cause you to be unsafe. You will automatically know what could be potentially dangerous, and you will avoid such situations, and you will learn to look after yourself.

Every person needs to have some level of basic first aid training, you never know when it’ll come in handy, whether at the office, at home or on the road. Having this essential knowledge behind you will give you the confidence you need to be the hero, the life-saver, someone might need.

For more information, or if you want to sign-up for Tshireletso Multi-Skills and Training’s First-Aid Course as soon as possible, contact us and we’ll help you on you’re journey to a safer, more prepared life.