What is BEE and the Purpose it serve in South African Business | Tshireletso Multi-Skills & Training

What is BEE and the Purpose it serve in South African Business


BY Njabulo Luthuli | 17 oct 2024


Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a crucial policy in South Africa aimed at redressing past inequalities and promoting economic participation among historically disadvantaged groups. This blog post delves into what BEE is and the significant role it plays in South African business. We’ll explore the key components of BEE, how it impacts companies, and the broader economic benefits it brings. Understanding BEE is essential for businesses striving for compliance and contributing to a more inclusive and equitable economy.


BEE, or Black Economic Empowerment, in South Africa refers to policies and measures aimed at redressing the inequalities of apartheid by giving previously disadvantaged groups, such as black South Africans, greater economic participation. These measures are designed to transform the South African economy to allow for more inclusive and equitable growth.

The framework for BEE was established through legislation, most notably the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Act. The BBBEE Act provides a balanced scorecard to assess companies on several criteria, including:

  1. Ownership: The extent of black ownership in a company.
  2. Management Control: The representation of black people in executive management and board positions.
  3. Skills Development: Investments in training and development for black employees.
  4. Enterprise and Supplier Development: Support for black-owned businesses and procurement from them.
  5. Socio-Economic Development: Contributions to socio-economic development initiatives that benefit black communities.

The scorecard system incentivizes companies to improve their BEE ratings, which can affect their ability to win government contracts and attract business from other companies with strong BEE commitments. Companies are given a BEE score which reflects their compliance with these criteria, and higher scores are seen as a mark of commitment to economic transformation.

BEE is an essential component of South Africa’s broader strategy to promote economic equity and address historical injustices, ensuring that economic opportunities are more widely distributed among its diverse population.


BEE is crucial for South African organizations as it promotes economic inclusivity and redresses historical inequalities. By implementing BEE, businesses not only comply with national policies but also contribute to a more equitable economy. BEE encourages diversity in ownership, management, and workforce, leading to varied perspectives and innovation. It also enhances a company’s reputation and opens opportunities for government contracts and partnerships with other BEE-compliant businesses. Ultimately, BEE fosters sustainable growth and development, ensuring that economic benefits are shared more broadly across society.Click here to check out the South african BEE legislation

8 Tips for South African Organizations to Comply with BEE Legislation

Ensuring compliance with BEE legislation is vital for South African organizations. Here are some tips to help businesses align with BEE requirements:

  1. Understand BEE Scorecard: Familiarize yourself with the BEE scorecard, which includes ownership, management control, skills development, enterprise and supplier development, and socio-economic development.
  2. Promote Black Ownership: Increase black ownership in your company to improve your BEE score. This can be achieved through equity deals or partnerships with black-owned businesses.
  3. Enhance Management Diversity: Ensure that black individuals are represented in senior management and board positions. This boosts your management control score.
  4. Invest in Skills Development: Allocate resources for the training and development of black employees. Investing in skills development not only improves your BEE score but also enhances employee productivity and growth.
  5. Support Black-Owned Enterprises: Prioritize procurement from black-owned suppliers and invest in enterprise development. This supports the broader economic empowerment goals of BEE.
  6. Contribute to Socio-Economic Development: Engage in initiatives that benefit black communities. This can include education, health, and infrastructure projects.
  7. Regular BEE Audits: Conduct regular BEE audits to assess your compliance status and identify areas for improvement.
  8. Work with BEE Consultants: Consider partnering with BEE consultants who can provide expert guidance and help streamline your compliance efforts.

By following these tips, South African organizations can effectively comply with BEE legislation, improve their BEE scores, and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable economy.

In conclusion, BEE is a pivotal framework for fostering economic inclusivity and addressing historical disparities in South Africa. By understanding and implementing BEE, businesses can not only ensure compliance with national legislation but also contribute to a more equitable economic landscape. BEE encourages diversity, promotes sustainable growth, and opens up new opportunities for companies. Embracing BEE is not just a legal obligation but a strategic advantage that can drive innovation, enhance reputation, and support the broader goals of social and economic development in South Africa.

Ready to unlock the potential of BEE for your business? Take the next step towards compliance and economic empowerment. Explore our comprehensive guide to BEE implementation and discover how it can benefit your organization. Embrace diversity, drive innovation, and contribute to a more inclusive economy with BEE. Start your journey today!